One of the beautiful truths in Christianity is that our Heavenly Father has not left us to have to figure out everything on our own. In the following passage of scripture the Apostle Paul wrote to a young Pastor named Timothy encouraging him to remember the security he has in God’s Word.
“16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
As a Pastor many times we can become overwhelmed with life and the many entanglements that are distracting from our day to day tasks. The good news is that if we are truly following the Word of God, we don’t have to try and figure things out on our own.
Our Heavenly Father has provided to us the most wonderful library of books known to mankind. The Holy Scriptures are powerful in many ways. One such way that stands out is that the Word of God is a tool that Equips us.
Think in terms of an unfurnished home verses a fully furnished one. Now, to some, that may not seem too appealing. But for me, personally, I love the idea, that I don’t have to pick out all the decor, I can just show up, it’s there for me and all I need to do is plug in to what is readily available.
The reason Christianity is so complicated for so many is that they show up thinking they need to figure it all out for themselves when in reality all that is needed is full surrender.
Surrendering everything to God is absolutely scary, but only if you aren’t walking in faith. Remember what James wrote about being double-minded. That is when we have faith mixed with doubting. We can avoid doubleminded living by simply trusting in God to provide for us our every need. Just lay it all down and take a deep breath and say yes Lord. I trust you. And then walk away from all that holds you back.
The Word of God is not like any other book on the planet. It’s a book that is Supernatural in every way. It’s real and tangible and produces the right kind of faith.
Paul reminded Timothy that every scripture is God-breathed. That means it contains the very breath of God in it. This word is profitable for teaching, for reproving, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. The results of such a book compiled by the Holy Spirit of God is it produces in us a completely renewed mind and equips us for every good work. All that God desires in us as His children can be accomplished because we have the written word of God. Without it, we are left simply to figure it out on our own.
Rest assured today in this fact that you don’t need to figure out anything, you just need to surrender, be all in and immerse yourself in His word on a continual, daily basis. Do that, and I promise you that you will never be without help from the Holy Spirit. He will, guide you into all truth and lead you to do His good works here on earth.